pH calibration chart:  solid purple line show the expected data to be measured while the purple glyps show the mean and standard deviation of three measurements. Light green shows the percentual error of the measurement mean value compared to the expected.

Calibration date: 22/jun/2022

Conductivity sensor calibration chart;  solid purple line show the expected data to be measured while the purple glyps show the mean and standard deviation of three measurements. Light green shows the absolute error of the measurement mean value compared to the expected.

Calibration date: 22/jun/2022

Serial # 2h2

pH calibration chart;  solid purple line show the expected data to be measured while the purple glyps show the mean and standard deviation of three measurements. Light green shows the percentual error of the measurement mean value compared to the expected.

Calibration date: 22/jun/2022

Conductivity sensor calibration chart;  solid purple line show the expected data to be measured while the purple glyps show the mean and standard deviation of three measurements. Light green shows the absolute error of the measurement mean value compared to the expected.

Calibration date: 22/jun/2022

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Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada MineducaciónReconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.